Climate Change & Health
The release of greenhouse gases into the earth’s atmosphere has set the climate on a course to change drastically in the near future, and these changes are having a significant impact on human health in Salt Lake County.
There is broad scientific consensus that climate change is occurring at a rate faster than previously anticipated, and is causing warmer temperatures, droughts, and more frequent extreme weather events in the region.
It is important that we take action now, both to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to develop adaptation strategies that enhance the region’s resiliency to the inevitable changes it will experience. Many responses to climate change could positively impact the region in multiple ways, simultaneously reducing the burden of disease, saving money, protecting the environment, developing community, and addressing inequality.In order for Salt Lake County Health Department to uphold its mission of promoting and protecting community and environmental health, we incorporate climate change considerations into all of our services. Preparing for climate change includes enhancing our weather and disease tracking systems, adapting our programs to ensure they are effective in different conditions, and forming community partnerships.
We are a proud convener of the Utah Climate Action Network, a partnership between government, research institutions, nonprofits/foundations, faith-based organizations, the private sector, and individuals working to address climate change in Utah.
Visit the Utah Climate Action Network for more information about climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in Salt Lake County.