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Travel Immunizations

The Salt Lake County Health Department offers international travelers the education, immunizations, and prescriptions necessary to stay safe and healthy while abroad.

An appointment is required for all travel immunizations.

Prepare For Your Appointment

It's important for the travel nurse to have all the information below to better understand your travel needs:

  • Full itinerary (including all cities or locations you will be visiting)
  • Travel plans (activities, purpose of your trip, etc.)
  • Medical history
  • Current medications
  • Vaccine history (access records on your smartphone via Docket)

If you are late or do not have the items below completed at least 24 hours before your visit, you will need to reschedule your appointment.

There is a $20 cancellation fee (for each scheduled client) for missed appointments and cancellations within 24 hours of an appointment.

  1. Check your email for an appointment reminder and a link to our Travel Form.
  2. Fully complete the Travel Form at least 24 hours before your appointment.
    EACH PERSON BEING SEEN must complete the form. (If you have appointments for four people in your group, you need to complete the form separately for all four people.)
  3. Submit a copy of your insurance card(s) and all immunization records in the Travel Form.
  4. Please also review the CDC's Vaccine Information Statements for the immunizations you expect to receive.

Travel Clinic Locations

Schedule an appointment with us as soon as you know you’ll be traveling internationally; some immunizations require more than one shot spread over a period of time, and others require time before travel to be most effective.

Contact Salt Lake Public Health Center

Travel Clinic

Phone Number (385) 468-7468
Please know all countries you’ll be visiting before calling.

Mailing Address 610 South 200 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Hours Monday through Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Contact South Redwood Public Health Center

Travel Clinic

Phone Number (385) 468-7468
Please know all countries you’ll be visiting before calling.

Mailing Address 7971 South 1825 West
West Jordan, Utah 84088

Hours Monday through Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Payment is due at the time of service. We accept cash, check, Visa, and Mastercard.

We do NOT bill insurance for travel vaccines.

Please check with your insurance provider to determine if they will reimburse any cost to you. When calling your insurance company, you can reference the CPT code from the PDF below for each immunization you may need.

We may be able to bill your insurance for other recommended vaccinations so please provide your insurance information when asked.

Why Get a Travel Consultation

Travel consultations are for any traveler, especially those who meet the following criteria:

  • First time travelers
  • Traveling to areas at risk for malaria or yellow fever
  • Extended stay abroad and expatriates
  • Humanitarian, medical, service, or religious work
  • Traveling while pregnant or with young children
  • Immunocompromised travelers
  • Study abroad/staying with host families
  • Adventure tourism (backpacking, climbing, and travel to remote areas)
  • Medical tourism
  • Mass gatherings (ex: the Hajj or Umrah)


During your visit with us, you’ll receive customized education and information about topics applicable to your destination(s), which could include:

  • Food and water safety
  • Insect precautions
  • Prevention of itinerary specific travel-associated infectious diseases
  • Prevention and/or treatment of altitude illness
  • Preventing and treating “Traveler’s Diarrhea”
  • Current outbreaks of infectious disease, natural disasters, and issues regarding political/social unrest and security concerns
  • Personal protection and safety
  • Medical evacuation insurance
  • Minimizing and coping with jet lag
  • Freshwater and/or seawater precautions
  • Travel medical kits
  • Special considerations for traveling while pregnant or immunocompromised travelers

Available Immunizations

The following immunizations are available at the Travel Clinic:

  • COVID (Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
  • HPV
  • Influenza
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Meningococcal
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Pneumococcal (PCV20 for adults, PCV15 for children)
  • Polio
  • Rabies
  • Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
  • Typhoid (oral or injection)
  • Varicella (chickenpox)
  • Yellow fever
  • Zoster (shingles)

Please review the CDC's Vaccine Information Statements for the immunizations you expect to receive.

Available Prescriptions

We can prescribe several medications you may need while overseas, depending on your destination, itinerary, and/or activities. Your health, safety, and comfort while enjoying your trip will depend on your preparations in advance.

Common travel prescriptions include medications for:

  • Malaria prevention and treatment
  • Motion sickness
  • Severe traveler’s diarrhea
  • Fungal infections
  • Altitude sickness prevention and treatment
  • Leptospirosis
  • Anaphylaxis (EpiPen)