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Account Application

Types of Accounts:

  1. Card on File Account - the credit/debit card you provide to us will be charged for each transaction at the landfill.
  2. Credit Account - we will invoice you by the 3rd business day for the prior month's transactions. This will require a bond which will be your credit limit.

                   a. Cash Bond

                   b. Insurance Surety (Penal) Bond

Open a Card on File Account

To open a card on file account (a credit card is maintained by the credit card processor to be used to complete each transaction), please complete the application form and a member of the office team will contact you for the credit card information to complete the application. 

Allow 1-2 business days for processing.

If you have any questions.  Please call the Landfill at 385-468-6370.

Open a Credit Account

Penal bond

All 3 pages of the Credit Account application, as well as the   “Penal Bond For Use of Sanitary Landfill” form, must be completed, and a copy of the surety bond number and seal must be uploaded. All must be submitted before an account will be set up.

Cash bond

All 3 pages of the Cash Bond Account application must be completed. Submit a payment in the form of a check or credit card (a minimum of $1,000 is required). A member of the office team will contact you, if necessary, for the credit card information to complete the application.