Notice Type: Notice/Meeting
Event Start Date: March 7, 2025
Event End Date: March 28, 2025
Salt Lake County is seeking public commentary on the Former Ace Auto Site Remediation Action Plan.
Site Description:
The site is 0.48 acres and located at 47 East 700 South in Salt Lake City, Utah. It features a two-story building constructed in 1934, with additional expansions made in 1962 and 1980. The building has an approximate area of 13,000 square feet and is comprised of block walls and slab-on-grade concrete floors.
The property includes an asphalt-paved parking lot and storage yard, along with a chain-link fence and gate, an automatic sprinkler system, and associated landscaping. Historically, the site was used for automotive operations, specifically chrome plating.
The Phase I Environment Assessment references miscellaneous extinct residential uses from 1889 to the early 1940s and was developed with the current structure between 1934 and 1980. Known commercial tenants have included Love Auto Accessories (1949-1965), JD Automotive Machine Shop (1965), Automotive Manufacturers Warehouse (1970-1991), and Ace Automotive Warehouse (1991-2000).
Based on the results from environmental investigations, the primary contaminants of concern are Hexavalent chromium, chromium, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as a result of chrome plating operations.
Cleanup Measures:
The proposed cleanup approach is demolition of the building on site followed by the excavation of impacted soil, and will consist of the following:
- Pre-demolition surveys to assess the existing building and contamination levels
- Building demolition
- Remove impacted soils, particularly those contaminated with chromium and sampling to confirm the safety of remaining soils.
- Backfilled with clean structural fill, placed in 8-12-inch lifts and compacted to 95% density.
Remedial action work is planned to begin approximately at the end of April and is expected to take approximately six months.
Public Input and Participation:
Salt Lake County encourages public input and participation on the Former Ace Auto Remedial Action Plan. The Remedial Action Plan will be available for public review for a comment period of 14 days after the publication of this notice. After the close of this comment period, Salt Lake County will, if appropriate in view of any comments received, approve remedial action on the site. Salt Lake County expects to respond to any comments.
An electronic public commentary period will be held on March 13 from 10AM-2PM via Webex, using the following information where stakeholders can voice their commentary:
Join from the meeting link
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2493 784 6002
Meeting password: YCrpq2dmT68
Join by phone
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
+1-602-666-0783 United States Toll (Phoenix)
Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Contact Information: To provide your public comment and feedback, please contact via email, written letter, or phone call: Rachel Boyett, Economic Development Coordinator, 385-468-4912,
Public comment can also be provided in person at 2001 S State Street, Suite S2-100
Note: This serves as an official public notice and invitation for stakeholders to engage with Salt Lake County in its efforts to meet EPA guidelines
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities or those in need of language interpretation services can be provided if five (5) working days' notice is given by calling 385-468-4854 or 385-468-4900. TTY/TDD users should call 7-1-1.'