Codie Crosby, B.S.

B.S. in Health Education and Promotion. A.S. in Human Development and Family Studies, Secondary Education Certified in Physical Education, Certified Nutrition Coach, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach.
[Specializations: Fitness, nutrition, family health, and outdoor education]
Codie brings a unique blend of experience, as an Alaskan Camp Counselor and a PE teacher. Codie’s experience with youth and their stubborn natures have given her the experience of creating personalized wellness plans in creative ways and while her focus has shifted from youth to adults, she recognizes we are all children at heart. Her experience and creativity allow even the most stubborn to find joy in movement, nutrition, and well-being. Codie’s approach as a health educator focuses on learning new skills to form healthy habits and create a wellness journey that is specific to you and your lifestyle.
Schedule a health coaching appointment with Codie by emailing her at