
Clark Planetarium's mission is is to inspire and engage curious minds by connecting people to the wonder of the universe.

We accomplish this by presenting our programs in an exciting and engaging way. Each year, more than 100,000 Utah school children receive high-quality astronomy and space science education through Clark Planetarium's "AstroVan" outreach program and through in-Planetarium field trips. Special thanks to the State of Utah and the Utah State Board of Education. These Informal Science Education Enhancement (iSEE) funds cover the cost of field trips and school visits for Utah's public and charter schools.

We invite you to take advantage of our educational resources to make your visit or classroom experience more meaningful.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the available materials.

Education Program

Field Trips-A typical field trip lasts two to three hours, and it can include the following:

  • Time to see exhibits (i.e., 20 to 30 minutes between shows, or longer if pre-scheduled)
  • A Hansen Dome Theatre presentation (about 45 minutes, depending on the presentation)
  • A Northrop Grumman IMAX Theatre film (about 45 minutes, depending on the film)
  • A live, guided presentation called Science on a Sphere; (about 20 minutes)
  • Shopping time in the Planet Fun store.

Three easy ways to request a field trip

  1. Fill out the Schedule a Field Trip form (also located from the Home Page under the "Education," tab "Schedule a Field Trip" drop-down item);
  2. E-mail Clark Planetarium Reservations; or
  3. Call (385) 468-1227, between Monday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Reservation Guidelines

  • Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance.
  • Reservations can only be made for groups of 20 or more people. (Some exceptions apply.)
  • All reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Reservation requests are not guaranteed until you receive a final confirmation sheet and confirmation number.

To request access to the Virtual Field Trip shows, please fill out the request form.

We understand that many schools may not be able to visit Clark Planetarium this year for an annual field trip. We strongly believe in the value of our live, in-person lessons – and hope you do, as well! But we know that not every class is able to visit us each year. To help, we will continue to offer part of our Virtual Field Trip Program to Utah public and charter schools.

We are offering virtual versions of our live “Skywatch” planetarium dome presentations, that directly correlate to 6th grade and 4th grade SEEd astronomy standards. Available presentations are:

  • 4th grade Astronomy (4.4)
  • 6th grade Solar System (6.1.3)
  • 6th grade Orbits, Gravity, and Inertia (6.1.2)
  • 6th grade Moon Phases (6.1.1)
  • 6th grade Eclipses (6.1.1)
  • 6th grade Seasons (6.1.1)

All of these presentations are recorded in 360° spherical video, viewable on YouTube. These interactive, 360° videos allow for your students to look around, just as they would in person. Here’s how it works:

  • If on desktop or laptop computer, click and drag the video view to look around.
  • If on a tablet or mobile device, look around by tilting the device
  • Some Virtual Reality headsets are also compatible. (We have had success with both Google Cardboard and Oculus Quest)
  • Feel free to pause and unpause to look around! the show is now at your own pace!

Clark Planetarium can provide programs at no cost to schools thanks to support from the Utah State Legislature and Utah State Board of Education. To meet their standards, we are required to report the number of students and teachers that participate in a Virtual Field Trip. Please provide these details (to the best of your knowledge) in your request. In addition, we would also ask you to avoid sharing the provided links so we can accurately account for the education experiences utilized. If you know of other schools interested in using the materials, please have them contact our reservations team and complete a request form.



The Hansen Dome Theatre is a dome-shaped theatre with a 55-foot diameter. It can seat more than 150 guests. This 360-degree immersive experience can display accurate starfields, animated presentations, and even take visitors on a trip through space.


Skywatch: Live Shows


4th Grade SEEd Astronomy

Students will analyze data of observable patterns to show that the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun, such as the day/night cycle, changes in the length and direction of shadows, and seasonal appearance of stars. They will also gather data to help explain the difference in the apparent brightness of the Sun compared to other stars.

(SEEd Standard 4.4.1 and 4.4.2)


6th Grade: Moon Phases

Students will view the Moon and its phases from Earth. They will then discover how the Moon orbiting around the Earth creates the moon's phases.

(SEEd Standard 6.1.1)


6th Grade: Seasons

Students will study the changing elevation of the Sun in the sky at different times of year. They will also observe the Earth and its tilt as it orbits around the Sun and learn how this creates the seasons.

(SEEd Standard 6.1.1)


6th Grade: Solar System, Gravity, and Inertia

This presentation will focus on the planets and their attributes, as well as the technology used to observe and understand our Solar System. Students will investigate how gravity and inertia combine to cause planetary and lunar orbits.

(SEEd Standard 6.1.3 and 6.1.2)


Dome Shows with recommended grade levels.


Accidental Astronauts (K-4th)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide


Attack of the Space Pirates (K-3rd)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


Big Astronomy (4th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide


Black Holes (4th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


Exploding Universe (4th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


Extreme Planets (4th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


Perfect Little Planet (K-3rd)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide


Saturn: Jewel of the Heavens (4th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


Secret of the Cardboard Rocket (K-3rd)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


The Edge: Pluto and Beyond (4th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide

Blink Comparator (PowerPoint)


Ultimate Universe (4th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


Worlds of Ice (6th-HS)

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide not Available


Limited Engagement Dome Shows with recommended grade levels.


The ISS Experience (6th-HS)

View trailer


Destination Mars (6th-HS)

View trailer


Earth, Moon, and Sun (4th)

View trailer

Our IMAX® Theatre has a screen that is 70 feet wide by 50 feet tall, and it can accommodate more than 250 guests. IMAX® films are documentaries about nature and science, created by professional production teams with stunning visuals and narration. Clark Planetarium recommends that teachers plan out their lessons to incorporate this content; below is a list of our available shows as well as links to any education material from the films' producers. For additional information on each show, contact


Repertory IMAX® shows with recommended age levels.


A Beautiful Planet

A breathtaking view of the Earth through the eyes of an astronaut, this film touches on the human impact on the planet and the daily life of astronauts on the International Space Station. Narrated by Jennifer Lawrence.

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide

Born to Be Wild

A team of conservationists work with orphaned elephants and orangutans to rehabilitate them and return them to the wild.

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide


Deep Sea 3D

Experience the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean, along with the unique creatures that live there.

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide



Learn how the animal inhabitants of the Galapagos Islands evolved and adapted to their geographically isolated environment.

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide



Follow a group of astronauts as they attempt to repair the Hubble telescope while in orbit around the Earth, and view some of the Hubble's most famous images in 3D.

View trailer

3rd - 5th Educator Resource Guide

6th - 8th Educator Resource Guide


Island of Lemurs, Madagascar

Follow Dr. Patricia C. Wright's mission to help lemurs, the highly evolved creatures who arrived on Madagascar millions of years ago as castaways but are now highly endangered.

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide


Space Station

Astronauts document the unique challenges and opportunities of living aboard the International Space Station.

View trailer

Educator Resource Guide


Under the Sea

Explore the hidden species that live in the ocean and their connection to their environment.

View trailer

3rd - 5th Educator Resource Guide

6th - 8th Educator Resource Guide


Asteroid Hunters

Journey into the dangerous reaches of space and meet a group of Asteroid Hunters who are the best line of defense between Earth and an asteroid destructive path. (View trailer)


Extreme Weather

Take an up-close look some of the most astonishing and potentially deadly weather. Learn how climate change is affecting what use to be normal phenomena. (View trailer)


Back from the Brink

Experience on the giant screen, the remarkable true story of three animal species rescued from the brink of extinction. (View trailer)


Dinosaurs of Antarctica

From the Permian through the Jurassic, journey to the south polar landscapes of Antarctica hundreds of millions of years ago. Roam the primitive forests and thick swamps with bizarre dinosaurs and colossal amphibians. (View trailer


Superpowered Dogs

Follow these Superheroes of the canine variety, as we discover the astonishing science behind their amazing abilities, we'll never look at our best friends the same way again. (View trailer)


Wings Over Water

Wings Over Water, narrated by Michael Keaton, tells the compelling story of three amazing bird species—the Sandhill Crane, the Yellow Warbler and the Mallard Duck—with extraordinary footage of their fascinating behaviors. All of them depend on the wetlands for their survival. (View trailer.)


Limited Engagement IMAX® shows with recommended age levels.


Apollo 11 (2D)

This documentary recounts the first trip mankind made to the Moon using all historic footage. (View trailer)

Available here

Extreme Weather (3D)

Explore how storm patterns are predicted to react to the warming climate, and how scientists study extreme forms of weather. (View trailer)

Available here

Jerusalem (3D)

(View trailer)


Journey to Space (3D)

Explore the history and future of space exploration, with a focus on the effort to reach and possibly one day inhabit Mars. (View trailer)

Available here (color)

Available here (b&W)

Pandas (3D)

A team of Chinese and American scientists work to preserve the species by introducing pandas bred in captivity back to the wild. (View trailer)

Available here

Secrets of the Universe (3D)

Get immersed in the greatest mysteries of our time as scientist force particles to collide. (View trailer)

Available here

The Search for Life in Space (3D)

Are we alone in the universe? Join a group of scientists to learn how we search for signs of life in outer space. (View trailer)

Available here

Volcanoes (3D)

Join an explorer as he documents the fiery forces that create continents and shape the planet. (View trailer)

Available here

Back from the Brink (3D)

Experience the true story of three animal species rescued from the brink of extinction. (View trailer)

Science on a Sphere (SOS) is a display system that uses computers and projectors to display images and other data onto a large sphere, similar to a giant animated globe. Educational themes are adapted to Utah science and SEEd grade level standards. Shows and themes are available by request to any group and can be customized to the group’s level. For school groups, the recommended science and SEEd grade levels are included for easy reference:

Science on a Sphere and Recommended Grade Range

Sun, Earth, and Moon (4th, 6th)

Students investigate the similarities and differences between the Earth and the celestial bodies that affect it most – the Sun and Moon. Students will learn the patterns of the Sun, Earth, Moon system, including rotations and orbits that produce the day/night cycle, moon phases, and the movement of the stars across the sky.

Sun, Earth, Moon Educator Guide .pdf

Sun, Earth, Moon Educator Guide .docx


Solar System (6th)

Students explore the realms of our Solar System using 3D spherical projections of the Sun, planets, major moons, dwarf planets and even asteroids. Animated projections include high-resolution models solar flares, planetary surfaces, and newly-released imagery from current NASA missions.

Solar System Educator Guide


Weather and Climate Patterns (5th, 6th)

Weather is the day to day state of the atmosphere, and climate is the average weather over a long time for a specific area. Students can explore either topic, including ways in which weather and climate are studied and their impacts on life and the environment.

Weater and Climate Patterns Educator Guide


Earth Systems and Processes (5th, 7th)

Earth’s surface has undergone and continues to experience changes that affect its land, water, and air. Students will explore geological features that arise from the dynamic movement of land masses and how interactions with major systems affect Earth’s land and water.

Earth Systems and Processes Educator Guide


Technology of Space Exploration (6th)

Our understanding of the Solar System is the result of decades of exploration by explorers, most of whom have been robotic. Many of these missions are still making new discoveries, while others are currently speeding towards their destinations or preparing to be launched. Students will explore a variety of these spacecraft, the technologies they use to explore the planets, and what we hope to discover.


Moon to Mars

Covers current space exploration topics

Humanity is once again preparing to return to the Moon – this time to stay, and from there to reach Mars. Students will learn about the challenges of living and exploring in deep space, as well as sustainable, reusable technologies that support exploration.

Our camps are designed to be both educational and affordable, ensuring that every child has the chance to learn and grow in a supportive and inspiring environment. Join us for an unforgettable summer of adventure, creativity, and discovery!

You can find more information on our Summer Space Academy page.

Clark Planetarium offers classroom resources and lesson plans. In addition, we also offer professional development workshops for teachers.


Professional Development Workshops for Teachers

Workshops typically are scheduled through district science specialists and can be taught on-site for a single district or for several districts together. Some workshops can only be scheduled if funding is available, and some may offer resource kits teachers can take back to their schools. E-mail with questions.


4th Grade SEEd Astronomy – Curriculum for Utah 4th grade SEEd 4.4

Why is the Sun so much brighter than other stars? Why do the Sun, Moon and stars appear to move across the sky? Clark Planetarium has developed kinesthetic activities to help your students engage in science practices to explain these phenomena, and produced a teacher resource kit with all the materials used in these activities.


Seasons and Moon Phases – Curriculum for Utah 6th grade SEEd 6.1.1

In this training, learn how to demonstrate the phenomena of seasons and moon phases. In addition, learn how to guide students through investigations of the causes.

This workshop meets 6th-grade SEEd standards, and it includes training on using the “Seasons and Moon Phases” teacher resource kits. For information about your district contact and to request a “Seasons and Moon Phases” teacher resource kit, contact


Density – Curriculum for 6th-grade SEEd 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3

This curriculum helps students develop an understanding of density – a core concept of standard 6.2. These lessons scaffold upward, starting with planets and moons (6.1.3), moving on to molecules and phase changes (6.2), and ending with the water cycle (6.3.1).


Heat Transfer – Curriculum for 6th-grade SEEd 6.2, and 6.3


Universe Sandbox

Universe Sandbox is an interactive physics-based space simulation. This “video game” program allows teachers and students to explore gravity and the movement of objects in space. In this workshop, Clark educators will introduce educators to the program, guide them in using the software for both demonstrations, and provide student-led lesson plans. Attending educators will each receive a license to install the software at their school.


Curriculum and Lessons

Clark Planetarium offers digital versions of its teacher professional development sessions. They can be downloaded from the links shown below. For questions about the materials, or to inquire about professional development opportunities, contact us at 385-468-1248 or


6th-grade Seasons and Moon Phase Activity Kits (Kits meet SEEd standards)

Instructions for Kinesthetic Astronomy Kit Activities

Resources for SEEd Density Activities

Some of the PowerPoint slides have notes with additional information.

Standard 6.1.3 – Structure of the Solar System

Standard 6.2.1 – Atoms and Molecules

Standard 6.2.2 – Heat Energy and Phase Changes

Standard 6.3.1 – The Water Cycle

Standard 6.3.3 – Heat and Atmospheric/Oceanic Circulation

Universe Sandbox Lesson Plans

Heat Transfer – Curriculum for 6th-grade SEEd 6.2, and 6.3

Fourth Grade Astronomy Kit Activities

Teacher Resources

Scavenger Hunts

Prepare your class for a field trip with an exploration guide and scavenger hunts for our exhibits. Each guide is targeted towards particular grade levels or a general audience.

Astronomy Resources

Education Resources